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What Are the Signs of a Potential Termite Infestation?

If termites have got into your home in any numbers, then you may have to call a termite extermination professional to help you get rid of them. If you put matters off or try to deal with the problem yourself, then you could face a very costly repair, especially if these creatures start to burrow into the supporting structures of your house, for example, its rafters or its floorboards. Although termite extermination is necessary from time to time in Australia, it is always better to try and deal with infestations before they get out of hand. Therefore, early detection of the presence of termites near or inside of your home is highly advisable. What are the main things you should be looking out for?

Listen to the Termites' Sounds 

Sometimes you will not notice that termites are present in your home from any visual signs at all. However, if it is a quiet day and you have turned off all of your home's electrical appliances, then you can sometimes hear a faint clicking. This is the sound of termites burrowing their way into the wooden timbers of your home or, perhaps, those which are close by. Place your ear to the wall of your house and the timbers of your outbuildings, such as sheds, to see whether or not you can detect the presence of termites audibly.

Damage to Wood

Depending on the species of termites that might be attacking your home, you may notice tiny holes in the wood around it. This is especially noticeable in any weatherboarding which has not been painted recently, a particular favourite of some termites. In some cases, you may not notice any burrow holes at all. However, you might see that your paintwork is starting to bubble up or that it has become flaky in certain areas. Although there are other reasons for this to occur, it is potentially a sign of a termite infestation nearby.

Swarming Termites

Among the most obvious signs of a termite infestation on your property is when these insects start to swarm. Those which have been bred by the colony to move on to form a new one will grow oversized wings that hang over their bodies. Usually, they all take it to the air on a single day in order to find a new place to live. If you see a swarming colony of termites on your property, then do not assume that they have all departed. Usually, a successful colony will continue to operate so long as there is a food source nearby. If so, you may require a pest extermination service, after all.
